Download GPS Logger A Driver

The data loggers interface with personal computers and laptops and are operated world wide using Windows based software designed to activate the logger and to view and analyze the collected data. Data Logger Software Download Version MT4.42151.

  • Download GPS Logger for Windows to log your GPS device's NMEA sentences and save them as files.
  • Software - driver gps logger ventus g730. Dr, Android Sync Manager WiFi, Advanced NMEA Data Logger.
  • GPS Tracker Data Logger is a software application that helps you monitor and gather information from multiple GPS trackers at the same time. It offers support for receiving and processing binary.

It is a new state of the art plug and play OBDII GPS tracker.
The LiVE device is a compact and economical, yet feature rich GPS/GLONASS tracking device available in 2G or 4G Cat-M1/NB-IoT versions.
The device simply plugs into the vehicle's OBDII port, meaning zero install cost. Perfect for rental fleets where a hard-wired install is not desirable.

Key Features

  • 2G or 4G Cat-M1/NB-IoT Modem
  • High Sensitivity GPS with LNA
  • 3D Accelerometer
  • Easy plug-and-play install
  • Geo-fencing and Alerts
  • Run hours, scheduled maintenance reminders and log books
  • Simple web interface
  • Detailed trip recording
  • Automatic data upload to view your vehicle live on Google MapsTM

Ditch the pen-and-paper logbook today!
Our compact and stylish GPS Log Book Classic device plugs into the cigarette lighter or any other 12V socket of your vehicle, tracking the use of your vehicle while doubling up as a nifty USB charger.

Key Features

  • One year warranty
  • No installation
  • No monthly charges
  • Built-in smart phone charger
  • Ultra-high sensitivity GPS
  • Up to 6 months of logging memory to store months of trip data
Over 451596391 kilometres tracked!

How much can you claim? Calculate your claim in 3 easy steps

Select Your Vehicle Cost

Annual Distance Travelled:

Download gps logger a driver windows 7
050 000

Business Percentage:


Estimated Claim Amount:

* The rebate amount is based on a sample of 432 tracked drivers who logged at least 50 business trips in the 2015/2016 tax year. The sample of drivers drove a total on average of 24 872kms in the tax year with 8565kms of these kilometres being driven for business purposes (34%). It was estimated that the average vehicle value was R80 000.
Only estimated, based on 2015/2016 SARS tables. Click HERE for T&Cs.


Download Gps Logger A Drivers

  1. Thanks GPS Log Book Team. Great service and good product

  2. As a small business owner, GPS Log Book has saved me hours of time. The easy-to-use interface is a pleasure to use and my tax guy loves the SARS ready reports. Every business owner should have one!

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Support > Software & Drivers


Software & Drivers

InstrumentsUSB driverControl SoftwareConverters
(Graphtec binary to text format)
(x32 and x64 edition)
7 / 8 / 8.1
(x32 and x64 edition)
(x32 and x64 edition)
(x32 and x64 edition)
7 / 8 / 8.1
(x32 and x64 edition)
(x32 and x64 edition)
GL7000go to the product support page.
GL2000go to the product support page.
GL980go to the product support page.
GL840go to the product support page.
GL240go to the product support page.
GL100GL100 Config (v1.04)GL100 Application SoftwareGL100 Application Software
6 languagesGL100_240_840APS (v1.26)
Firmware (Main) version 1.20 or later is required
(GL100 Firm(Main) v1.44)
User manual for GS sensor that is related with firmware version 1.41
(Manual for GS sensors)
Firmware (WLAN) version 1.24 or later is required
(GL100 Firm(WLAN) v1.24)
DP-581Hgo to the product support page.
GL220USB driver (v2.03)GL220_820 Application SoftwareGL220_820 Application Software
ChineseGL220 APS(C) (v1.12)
EnglishGL220 APS(E) (v1.12)
FrenchGL220 APS(F) (v1.12)
GermanGL220 APS(G) (v1.12)
KoreanGL220 APS(K) (v1.12)
Firmware version 1.10 (GL220 Firmware v1.10)
GL820USB driver (v2.03)GL220_820 Application SoftwareGL220_820 Application Software
ChineseGL220 APS(C) (v1.12)
EnglishGL220 APS(E) (v1.12)
FrenchGL220 APS(F) (v1.12)
GermanGL220 APS(G) (v1.12)
KoreanGL220 APS(K) (v1.12)
Firmware version 1.13 (GL820 Firmware v1.13)

v2.00 and later)
USB driver (v2.03)GL900 Application SoftwareGL900 Application Software
ChineseGL900 APS(C) (v2.01)
EnglishGL900 APS(E) (v2.06)
FrenchGL900 APS(F) (v2.02)
GermanGL900 APS(G) (v2.05)
KoreanGL900 APS(K) (v2.01)
MT100USB driver (v2.03)MT100 Application SoftwareMT100 Application Software
ChineseMT100 APS(C) (v1.01)Soon
EnglishMT100 APS(E) (v1.06)
FrenchMT100 APS(F) (v1.01)Soon
GermanMT100 APS(G) (v1.01)Soon
KoreanMT100 APS(K) (v1.01)Soon
Firmware version 1.15 or later (MT100 Firmware (v1.16)
USB driver (v2.03)WR300 Application Software (Firmware needs to be updated to the version 3.12 or later)WR300 Application Software
EnglishWR300 APS (E) (v1.01)N/A
Firmware version 3.12 or later (WR300 Firmware (v3.13)
USB driver (v2.03)N/AHARDDISK LOGGER softwareHARDDISK LOGGER software
EnglishHDL APS(E) (v1.33)N/AN/A
FrenchHDL APS(F) (v1.32)N/AN/A
GL200AUSB driver (v2.03)GL220_820 Application SoftwareGL220_820 Application Software
ChineseGL220 APS(C) (v1.12)
EnglishGL220 APS(E) (v1.12)
FrenchGL220 APS(F) (v1.12)
GermanGL220 APS(G) (v1.12)
KoreanGL220 APS(K) (v1.12)
up to v1.99)
USB driver (v2.03)N/Amidi LOGGER softwaremidi LOGGER software
ChineseGL200 APS(C) (v1.04)N/AN/A
EnglishGL200 APS(E) (v1.04)N/AN/A
FrenchGL200 APS(F) (v1.04)N/AN/A
GermanGL200 APS(G) (v1.04)N/AN/A
KoreanGL200 APS(K) (v1.04)N/AN/A
GL500N/AN/AGL500 Application SoftwareGL500 Application Software
GL500AUSB driver (v2.03)N/AGL500A Application SoftwareGL500A Application Software
EnglishGL500A APS(E) (v1.32)N/AN/A
FrenchGL500A APS(F) (v1.32)N/AN/A
v2.00 and later)
USB driver (v2.03)GL220_820 Application SoftwareGL220_820 Application Software
ChineseGL220 APS(C) (v1.12)
EnglishGL220 APS(E) (v1.12)
FrenchGL220 APS(F) (v1.12)
GermanGL220 APS(G) (v1.12)
KoreanGL220 APS(K) (v1.12)
up to v1.99)
USB driver (v2.03)GL800 Application SoftwareGL800 Application Software
ChineseGL800 APS(C) (v1.21)N/AN/A
EnglishGL800 APS(E) (v1.21)N/AN/A
FrenchGL800 APS(F) (v1.21)N/AN/A
GermanGL800 APS(G) (v1.21)N/AN/A
KoreanGL800 APS(K) (v1.21)N/AN/A
up to v1.99)
USB driver (v2.03)GL900 Application SoftwareGL900 Application Software
ChineseGL900 APS(C) (v1.04)N/AN/A
EnglishGL900 APS(E) (v1.04)N/AN/A
FrenchGL900 APS(F) (v1.04)N/AN/A
GermanGL900 APS(G) (v1.04)N/AN/A
KoreanGL900 APS(K) (v1.04)N/AN/A
v2.14 and later)

Download Gps Logger A Driver Windows 7


Download Gps Logger A Driver Download

On driver and software, the file is compressed in the ZIP format. It is required to decompress before use.
On driver and software, it is for the Windows-based PC.
In GL200, GL800 and GL900, the firmware needs to be updated when the latest software is used in Windows 7. Please follow the instructions when the firmware is updated. The instruction contains in the firmware file.
On driver and software, the Macintosh OS or other is not supported.
On software, it is run in the WOW64 mode when the 64-bits Windows OS is used.

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